Thursday, December 22, 2011

Will the UK be in Anarchy?

I recently asked a question about wether benefits being cut will reslut increased crime levels, from the point of veiw that someone searching for work ie: a metaphoric example of a 40 year old father (tradesman or otherwise) of 3 who refuses to take a 16 hour a week job in burger king having there benefits stopped will have to put food on the table and cloths on their kids by any means. Now it apears the current thinkng is to stop poor people having any chance of going to university with the DAUNTING prospect of uni fees well beyond many's comprehension, disabled people being told they should get up off their es (possible out of there wheelchairs) and start working, maybe as an oil rig worker or something (lol). With people getting 44 grand a year moaning about lossing their child benefit is this country leading to a major split in british society, a them and us attitude that will reslut in people having to resort to actions that they do not want to resort to in order to live. A dramatised version of events, but with valied and realistic substance behind my question, is this country stuffed ?


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